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My Children

As I stare into your eyes and see you through my eyes, I review you are an art from my soul. Your youngness great and free, like the wind...


You know there are lots of talkers and no taker. To live in truth, you have to know love. Not the words love, but the action of the words...


If it does not kill you, learn and move forward. Many time we go through life, and we want things to go our way. Sometimes it does and...

Slow to Rise

As the world turn, we are growing daily, so you have to realize that growth is different for all. Do you want change, how much do you...

Trust in your God

The nation in which God is there Lord will never falter, the family who God is their guide will never move, the human being who lean on...

No Limits

Life is beautiful, life is good, life is love and most of all life is for the living. Many times, in life we are face with dilemma, which...

Knowledge Recommendation

Many have heard the words or statement "Knowledge is power". I say to all knowledge is power, but you have to know where to incorporate...


The most valuable person on the earth is you. The human being is the most sacred and mortal being that walk the earth. Being human means...

Ultimate Freedom

We all have our dream and live in reality; both coincide with each other. As we move toward spring, we look forward to the changes in the...


Each day is a good day to be alive. Enjoy the moment and be present in all that you do. Life is beautiful and each moment is a blessing....

Keep Looking

With so many countries and people across the world, you need the right information to get the best result. I remember when the library...

The Eyes that Observe

While driving to Mankato, Minnesota my son observed the natural beauty of the land. He stated if there are less distraction, he is more...

Be Aware of the Serpent

Have you ever met someone or something who always want you to modify to their level. Be very cautious around these individuals or things....

Do not Fear

Have you ever being place in a condition, where you feel there is no answer. Do not fret, as the situation unfold you will learn how to...

Don’t get stuck in the Routine

Every day when you wake up to a new day, be happy with the day. Say it "today is a good day," acknowledge the day with gladness. You have...

Know Yourself

If you could sum up yourself into an identity what would that be. Being true to you and happy with who you are. This is the beginning of...

No Way out.

In reverse sequence all doors lead to a way in or out. You just have to decide where you want to be, your thought process determine if...

The day in the Life of a Man.

My name is Lord... On the morning of November 24th, 2020, approximately at 0800. I was seen in the park, by a police officer. I was...


Sometime unknowingly to ourselves we face obstacle. At the time we are in these situations, we blame others or ourselves for the ordeal...

Blog: Blog2
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